Friday 2 April 2010

Flea Run

Hi Everyone,

It's been a while hasn't it!? Things have gone crazy at work due to coming to the end of the new Lego video game which has left me shattered when I arrive home.

Apart from that I was asked by Smith Micro, the makers of the Anime Studio Pro software I use, if I'd do a tutorial for them. Obviously I was flattered that they asked me and also thought it'd be a good opportunity to show the whole process of creating characters in the software. I did greatly underestimate how long it would take me and the work involved however!

The manual features some great tutorials but it doesn't follow the whole process through for someone that wants to start at designing a character and end up with one they can animate fully and not just in the flat cut-out style.

Below is the test animation I did as an example to show what could be achieved. The tutorial will be up at Smith Micro next week I'm told. In the meantime I need to make the most of this Easter break and get some more stuff done to show you guys. Thanks for following .....and being patient =0)

(c) copyright 2010 Dale Hemenway


  1. Glad to see you blogging again Dale! Now go see you know what film!! :p

  2. Thanks Andy and.....alright already! =0)
